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Recent Added Judgments

Courts must verify that named individuals shared household with aggrieved party before issuing notice U/s 12 of Domestic Violence Act

Allahabad HC

Krishnawati Devi and Ors Vs State of UP and Anr
Police shouldn't serve sec 41A CrPC/sec 35 BNSS notice through WhatsApp or electronic means

Supreme Court

Satender Kumar Antil Vs Central Bureau of Investigation and Anr
Laws intended to protect women from cruelty & dowry harassment shouldn't be misused to settle personal scores

Supreme Court

P V Krishnabhat and Anr Vs The State of Karnataka and Ors
Men also face cruelty in marriage, entitled to same legal safeguards as women

Delhi HC

Jyoti Alias Kittu Vs The State Govt of NCT of Delhi
BNSS mandates Magistrate to hear police officer on refusal to register FIR, ensures reasoned order

Supreme Court

Om Prakash Ambadkar Vs The State of Maharashtra and Ors
Consent for sex not license to post private videos on social media

Delhi HC

Sudhir Kumar Vs The State NCT of Delhi

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