Invitation to participate in 'Vlog Competition'
Daaman invite vlogs (video blogs) from all participating chapters and individuals for 'Vlog Competition' in Save Indian Family Movement’s 10th National Meet!

Vlogs can be submitted in two categories:
Your vlog must be related to our cause.
Guidelines for chapters and individuals
Your vlog should not be more than 2 minutes.
Your vlog must be original and not previously published on the Web.
Guidelines for individuals

We understand the work that it takes to create a video blog. However, the fact that you have prepared a post and submitted it to us does not obligate us to include it in 'Vlog Competition'. The only vlogs we will include are those that in panel's sole judgment add value to the movement.
Furthermore, if your vlog is not approved, no further clarifications will be provided.
If your video blog meets the above guidelines:
Email it to us at
Please include short note about your vlog
Please DO NOT include the vlog video in the body of the e-mail. Include it as an attachment only.
If your vlog is not selected, you are obviously free to do whatever you want with it, including publishing it anywhere.
Team Daaman