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Writer's pictureAnupam Dubey

Affidavit Format for 65b Indian Evidence Act

Updated: Jul 20, 2022

Affidavit Format for 65b Indian Evidence Act

Affidavit Format for 65b Indian Evidence Act

IN THE COURT OF HON’BLE _________, (Jurisdiction)

Case No. ____ Of ____

X vs Y

U/s ___/___/___ IPC

P. S. __________

Affidavit of (deponent)___________ aged __ years, S/o _______________________, R/o ______________________________!



I, the deponent named above do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under:-

  1. That the deponent is the ___________ in the aforesaid case hence is well aware of the facts and circumstances of the case!

  2. That as part of the evidence at this stage, the deponent has to file an Audio CD along with its transcript.

  3. That the recorded Audio is of the conversation that the deponent had with the accused on __/__/____.

  4. That deponent hereby files recorded audio in an Audio CD and the transcript of the conversation as verbatim. Audio CD and its transcript are filed as part of this affidavit and marked as Annex 1 and 2.

  5. That the deponent confirms that the digital audio file in the Audio CD is the copy to the originally recorded digital audio file in the original recording device, used by the deponent for recording.

  6. That the deponent further confirms that the contents of the transcript are absolutely identical and verbatim as the digital audio file in the Audio CD and the originally recorded digital audio file in the original recording device.

  7. That, the deponent is making this present affidavit to certify that:

    1. The digital audio file in the Audio CD is the copy of the originally recorded digital audio file in the original recording device.

    2. The contents of the transcript are absolutely identical and verbatim to the digital audio file in the Audio CD and to the originally recorded digital audio file in the original recording device.

  8. That this affidavit, therefore, in the facts and circumstances of the case, is sufficient in compliance with Section 65B of the Evidence Act. The digital audio file has been copied from the deponent’s recording device, therefore, can be treated as a certified copy. The annexed Audio CD and the transcript, therefore, are in compliance with the provisions.



I, (deponent), the deponent, do hereby solemnly affirm and verify that the contents of paragraph No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7and 8 are true to my personal knowledge which all I believe to be true, no material has been concealed in it and no part of the affidavit is false.

So help me God.

Identified, today on in Court, (jurisdiction).



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