Application of Order XI Rules 1 and 14 (Interrogatories)

IN THE COURT OF _____________, (jurisdiction)
Suit No. __ Of 2017
Sec. _____
Application under Order XI Rules 1 and 14
Humble application under Order Xi Rules 1 and 14 of CPC for service of interrogatories for the examination of the above named respondent, which relate to the matter in question in the petition is very relevant for the just disposal of the case in hand and it is requested that Learned Court be pleased to allow the same instructing the respondent to deliver the same and to produce the documents in the affidavit.
That the respondent has taken a plea that she.......
That the respondent has taken a plea that she.......
As such the replying of the following interrogatories by the respondent and production of documents are material for just and proper disposal of the case and to save the time energy of the court and of the parties.
Q. No. 1__________________
Q. No. 2__________________
Q. No. 3__________________
Q. No. 4__________________
It is therefore most respectfully prayed that the Hon’ble Court be pleased to allow the same and to direct the respondent to reply the interrogatories (Q. No. 1 to 4) on affidavit and to produce the relevant documents in the interest of justice.
Date: __/__/2017