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The game of leftists...

Save Sabarimala

People of #Sabarimala have shown the Supreme Court it's place. Pandit Nehru had said in The Discovery of India that 'the people make a Nation, not it's rivers, mountains, farmlands' and the people's verdict will reign supreme over any court.

Former Chief Justice of India Deepak Mishra, nephew of former Supreme Court judge Ranganath Mishra was pressurized by his colleagues in unprecedented arm-twisting tactics of declaring their opposition to his appointment in a press conference. The pressure by leftists worked. Sabarimala, Sec377, Sec497, Sec498a all his verdicts have toed the leftists' line. Out of these, the liberation of the paramour through Sec497 will have maximum impact in the long run to break the social order of India.

Save Sabarimala

After all, like a good nephew he had to protect the career of his other relatives, in the feudal system that is our Supreme Court. But in the process, he has weakened an important institution of the nation. Again, a victory for divisive leftists who want to create chaos in the society.

While the left calibrates it's moves well in advance, the right wing as I keep saying, remains completely clueless or incapacitated and irrelevant.

Taken from the author, Amit Deshpande's Facebook post


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