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Promoting Harmony
Wife not entitled to maintenance under Section 125 CrPC for period prior to grant of divorce if decree passed on ground of desertion

Archita Vs Sunil Seth
Delhi HC
Crl. Revision Petition No. 455 of 2015
About/from the judgment:
The High Court disposed of a petition holding that the petitioner (wife) was not entitled to maintenance under Section 125 CrPC for period prior to grant of divorce.
The petitioner and the respondent (husband) were married. They were living separately since 2004. Divorce was granted in 2015 on an application filed by the respondent on ground of mental cruelty and desertion by the wife. The decree of divorce was upheld by the Supreme Court. Prior to that in 2007, the petitioner had applied under Section 125 CrPC for interim maintenance. By the impugned judgment, the trial court dismissed the application for maintenance on petitioner’s failure to show that she had sufficient cause to live separately.
S.K. Srivastava and Gurjeet Singh, Advocates for the petitioner assailed the impugned judgment while Senior Advocate Kirti Uppal with Sidharth Chopra and Shaini Bharadwaj, Advocates representing the respondent supported it.
The High Court referred to Section 125(4)which states that wife is not entitled to receive maintenance if without any sufficient reason she refuses to live with her husband. Relying on Rohtash Singh v. Ramendri, (2000) 3 SCC 180, the Court held that as the divorce decree was passed on ground of desertion which was upheld by Supreme Court, the petitioner was clearly disentitled to maintenance provided she is able to satisfy the condition of Section 125(1)(a) that she is unable to maintain herself.
Read the Judgment
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