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All Courts in the Country, including High Courts should be extremely careful and circumspect in concluding a judgment of the Supreme Court to be per incuriam

All Courts in the Country, including High Courts should be extremely careful and circumspect in concluding a judgment of the Supreme Court to be per incuriam

Sundeep Kumar Bafna vs State of Maharashtra & Anr

Supreme Court


CRIMINAL APPEAL No. 689 OF 2014 [Arising out of SLP (Crl.)No.1348 of 2014]

About/from the judgment:

Accused can directly approach the High Court and Sessions Court for regular Bail, not necessary that accused should apply to the Magistrate first.

The upshot of this analysis is that no vested right is granted to a complainant or informant or aggrieved party to directly conduct a prosecution. So far as the Magistrate is concerned, comparative latitude is given to him but he must always bear in mind that while the prosecution must remain being robust and comprehensive and effective it should not abandon the need to be free, fair and diligent. So far as the Sessions Court is concerned, it is the Public Prosecutor who must at all times remain in control of the prosecution and a counsel of a private party can only assist the Public Prosecutor in discharging its responsibility. The complainant or informant or aggrieved party may, however, be heard at a crucial and critical juncture of the Trial so that his interests in the prosecution are not prejudiced or jeopardized. It seems to us that constant or even frequent interference in the prosecution should not be encouraged as it will have a deleterious impact on its impartiality. If the Magistrate or Sessions Judge harbours the opinion that the prosecution is likely to fail, prudence would prompt that the complainant or informant or aggrieved party be given an informal hearing.

Read the Judgment


Knowledge and content of about almost all their respective descriptions are borrowed from law-related blogs and websites, we, therefore, wish to give proper credit to all the respective law-related blogs and websites like LiveLaw, Bar and Bench, LatestLaws, PathLegal, FirstLaw, Lawctopus, IndianKanoon, Manupatra, LegallyIndia etc.. Many of the judgments are also taken from them websites of Hon'ble Supreme Court and other respective Hon'ble High Courts!

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